[ad_1] listen to this news The problem of constipation affects your entire routine. Due to this bloating, abdominal pain, gas etc. are experienced and due to this you cannot concentrate on any other task. There can be many reasons for ...
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Is tea good for gut health?- Know from the experts, is tea good for gut health?
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news A cup of tea or coffee can take away the tiredness of the day. Tea can get rid of untimely sleep that comes during work. Some teas also help to control weight. You are a ...
Jot down these 6 safety tips for healthy workouts.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to the news Proper and optimized workout sessions will not only lead to better results, but also more fun. Any mistakes will not only weaken your resolve, but also increase your risk of injury. Here, we’ll discuss these ...
Malaika Cinnamon Powder Face Mask
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this message Famous actress Malaika Arora is always in the headlines for her flawless skin. As a model, actor and yoga lover, Malaika, who has created a special image for herself, uses natural things and home remedies ...
6 celebrities who have been diagnosed with a rare disease.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news In general, health problems like diabetes, heart disease come first when we think of diseases. Every year, the last day of February is marked as Rare Disease Day. Different types of campaigns and programs are ...
Know the causes and home remedies for sore throat
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news As soon as the weather changes, a sore throat and sometimes pain begin to be felt. Because of this, there is difficulty in swallowing food and drinking water. Tonsils in the throat and other causes ...
these 4 reasons can create distance in your love life
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news A relationship becomes strong and romantic only when there are efforts from both sides. It is very important to understand each other and communicate openly to maintain a relationship. Also most important is mutual trust. ...
Add These 5 Foods to Your Diet to Control Your Appetite
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to the news To make your personality more attractive, you also need to have a fit and healthy body. Because it keeps you away from diseases, it also helps to maintain self-confidence. Eating right and exercising right are ...
Know how to deal with open pores at home.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this message There are pores all over your body. These pores are all over the legs, hands and face. These actually help your skin breathe and draw out impurities. It is through these pores that sweat and ...
Here are 6 side effects of excessive drinking on skin health.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news Everything is bad in excess, whether it is a bad habit or too much of a problem. This proverb is worth sixteen annas for all those who love alcohol. Who also think getting drunk is ...