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Many Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities are involved in increasing number of heart diseases day by day. At the same time, Sushmita Sen’s name was also added. Former Miss Universe and famous Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen informed about her heart attack through a post on Instagram. He said that a few days ago he had a heart attack and had to undergo angioplasty. However, they are now completely safe. After that, in his message published on social networks, he advised to look forward to a healthy heart (Advice for a healthy heart) and thanked his loved ones who supported him in every situation.
People became more worried after the news of Sushmita Sen’s heart attack. Bollywood actors and actresses who exercise and diet regularly fall victim to heart problems.

Announce your status with an Instagram post
Sushmita Sen shared the news of her heart attack by sharing a picture of herself with her father. Also, he said it was completely safe. In the title of the post, he wrote: “A few days ago I had a heart attack. After the angioplasty, my condition is now much better than before. And the most important thing is that the cardiologist told me that your heart is too big.
Along with this, Sushmita Sen thanked all the people who stood by her in this situation. She said she would explain her position through other posts. This post is just to convey the good news to his fans that he is completely safe and ready to resume his work. He ended the title of this post by saying I love you all.
This emotional message of Sushmita Sen is going viral among her fans. After his life and struggle so far, most people believe that his heart is really big. But in order to keep the heart healthy, it is very important to take care of some other things as well.
After talking to various researches and experts, here we mention special points that are important for heart health.
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A healthy heart needs proper care
dr. Atul Mathur, Executive Director, International Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, believes that for a healthy heart, we need to take care of our mental and emotional needs along with physical activities. Today, people easily become victims of high blood pressure and hypertension. At the same time, due to mental and emotional unhealthiness, people’s heart rate also increases significantly. Long-term persistence of anxiety and depression poses a risk of chronic heart disease.
In such a situation, to maintain heart health, experts recommend stress management first. After that, other physical activities like yoga, exercise and if nothing else, preoccupation with housework also makes it easier to maintain physical balance. In such a situation, pay special attention to your regular activities to keep your heart healthy.
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6 habits will help you keep your heart healthy
1. It is important to maintain the balance of blood pressure
High blood pressure and hypertension are one of the biggest causes of heart problems. Due to the increase in blood pressure, there is a greater load on the arteries, in such a situation, stress management with regular exercise and proper nutrition does not create a state of high blood pressure.
2. Maintain a healthy weight
If your weight is increasing day by day, don’t take it lightly. This can cause various health risks. Especially obesity affects the heart the most. In such a situation, to keep your weight in balance, try to be physically active along with a proper diet.
3. Adequate sleep is important
The quality and timing of sleep can affect your heart health. If you don’t get enough sleep, then there is a risk of heart attack, heart attack and other serious diseases related to the heart. So sleep at least 6 to 7 hours. If you are also facing a problem in this, then it is necessary to discuss this problem with a doctor.

4. Eat healthy fats instead of trans fats
We need to include saturated, polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats in our diet. Trans fats should never be included in your diet. Because its consumption can cause you to suffer from heart disease for life. Trans fats block arteries. At the same time, it increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and decreases the level of good cholesterol. In such a situation, by excluding it from the diet, you can maintain a healthy blood flow.
5. Do not be physically immobile for a long time
According to data published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to keep your heart healthy, don’t sit in one place for long. Try to be physically active. You don’t need to do any heavy exercise for this. Yoga, running, walking etc. they also have a positive effect on your heart. One thing is important, and that is consistency. Exercise regularly and keep your heart healthy.
6. Take more care with food
The wrong diet can have a bad effect on our body. Not paying attention to food and drink increases the risk of obesity, cholesterol and high blood pressure. All these factors cause heart related problems. In such a situation, according to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, nuts, eggs and fish. At the same time, stay away from red meat, processed foods and foods high in sodium.
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