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Hip flexor pain and strain are a common problem if you sit in an office chair for long periods of time. Sitting for long periods of time can lead to stiffness and pain in the hip flexors. Therefore, gradually the whole body starts to feel tired. As a result, the buttock muscles begin to be affected and there is a feeling of difficulty moving. Tell us how some hip exercises can get your body moving. At the same time, the tightness in the shoulders in the lower back will begin to disappear.tight hip flexors).
Hip flexors help us walk, exercise, and squat. If you do not change the technique of sitting ups, your body may be prone to many diseases. In fact, the hip flexors are those muscles that connect our torso to our lower body. Together with the psoas major and psoas minor, the iliacus form the hip flexors.
Increase Hip Flexor Flexibility by Practicing These 3 Yoga Asanas
1 Naukasana (boat style)
Navasana, or boat pose, is one such pose that helps you stand upright. Besides that, it also strengthens the abdominal muscles.

How to do it
To do this, first sit in Dandasana. Then, while inhaling, straighten your spine.
Now lift your feet forward in the air, bringing your hands closer to your knees.
You repeat this two or three times.
its advantages
If you do this regularly, you can easily move on to other activities, such as running or rock climbing.
This pose also benefits the joints, lower back and lower back muscles.
Doing this often can relieve stress.
The digestive system is strengthened.
2 Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana is a pose that stretches the front and back of the body. Apart from back problems, digestive disorders also disappear with this asana. It is also called bow pose. Here, your body appears curved like a bow.

How to do it
First, lie in Makarasan, i.e. prone. Then attach the arms to the body. Now move your legs up from behind. Stretch your hands back as you bend your knees.
Now pull the right leg with the right hand and try to pull the left leg with the left hand.
In this pose, your entire body appears to be stretched.
its advantages
This type of yoga helps eliminate mental stress.
By doing this on a regular basis, the problem of loss of appetite is resolved.
This removes excess fat stored in the legs and arms.
Women’s abdominal pain during menstruation can also be relieved.
This yoga makes blood circulation regular.
3 Mandu Kasana
In this yoga pose there is a yoga pose lying down like a frog. This pose mainly affects the abdomen and its lower part. By doing this, one can get rid of the obesity problem. At the same time, the problem of diabetes can be avoided.

its advantages
By doing this, people get rid of the belly fat problem.
With the help of this yoga, you can get rid of pain in the hips, back and joints.
Stress is relieved and the mind begins to calm down.
After a few days, the legs with acidity problems started to feel healthy.
Mandukasan is beneficial for heart patients.
How to do it
First sit upright in the Vajra seat. After that, while taking a deep breath, make fists with both hands and turn your thumbs inward.
Now bend forward and keep the chest to one side and place it on the thigh
Breathe after this and leave. Do this for 4 to 5 minutes.
Also read this – Menstruation sometimes comes early, sometimes late?So Practice These 3 Yoga Asanas Before Taking Your Pills
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