Waking up in the morning or drinking hot water during cold and cough is considered beneficial for health. Not only this, it keeps the body free from diseases. Eating it on an empty stomach in the morning can also cleanse your stomach well. Even warm water can relieve you from period cramps. Drinking hot water also has many benefits in Ayurveda. But it is believed that nothing hot should be eaten during pregnancy. Even bathing with warm water is considered. So, should you avoid hot water during pregnancy? Can hot water lead to pregnancy? Many people are talking about it. So why don’t we get the details from the experts.
If you suspect that drinking hot water can cause miscarriage, then in this article on Health Shots, we talk to an expert about it in detail. We spoke to gynecologist Dr. Neeraj Sharma to know more about this.
First understand miscarriage or abortion
Dr. Neeraj says, “A miscarriage is a condition in which the fetus dies before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Miscarriage is a physically and emotionally debilitating condition. Miscarriage is sometimes called early pregnancy failure or miscarriage. There are many reasons for miscarriage, such as chromosomal abnormalities, uterine diseases, infections, etc.
These symptoms may appear during a miscarriage
severe pain and abdominal pain
vaginal discharge
back pain
vaginal bleeding
Vomiting, irritability and chest pain
What can be the cause of miscarriage
uterine disease
Incorrect implantation of fertilized egg
lifestyle factors

Does drinking hot water during pregnancy cause miscarriage? (hot water can cause miscarriage)
During pregnancy, you are advised to drink plenty of water. It keeps you hydrated and detoxified. It also increases the metabolic activity of your body. Drinking hot water during pregnancy is also beneficial because it keeps fatigue, dehydration, stomach pain at bay and reduces the risk of premature birth.
Since the health of your baby is directly related to your health, the water you drink should be warm, but not hot. The water that is drunk during pregnancy should be pure and clean. Keeping hydrated is very important for the expectant mother.
We spoke to gynecologist Dr. Neeraj Sharma to find out more – he believes that drinking hot water is beneficial, but if you’re going to consume it during pregnancy, then drink lukewarm water and don’t do it over and over again.
Dr. Sharma also believes that drinking warm milk water during pregnancy does not cause constipation. Instead, it will help you retain fluids and help your body fight off any infection. But drinking too much hot water can be harmful as it can damage the lining of the mouth and throat.
This creates problems in the child’s development. Also, it has been proven in many studies that you should not take a hot shower during pregnancy. It can cause miscarriage.
Drinking hot water during pregnancy may also have some other disadvantages
You have to deal with morning sickness when you’re pregnant, so drinking hot water can make your stomach ache worse and put your body in an uncomfortable position.
Drinking hot water has no direct effect on your body. However, it damages your mouth and throat, which can make it difficult to digest food.
According to Dr. Neeraj, drinking hot water continuously can cause bleeding in the uterine lining. But sometimes there is no problem in drinking warm water.
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