[ad_1] listen to this news In the last few months my hair fell out a lot. Also, I started getting itchy scalp, lifeless hair and dry hair. Gradually, my problem increased so much that I started seeing hair on towels ...
Secure Family Latest Articles
Learn how you can avoid pollen allergies or the seasonal flu.- These 5 tips will protect you from pollen allergies or the seasonal flu.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news After winter, this spring season fascinates everyone. But have you noticed that there are very small particles flying in the air these days. In fact, these are pollen grains that are released when the flowers ...
Here’s how to prepare honey cinnamon for belly fat loss.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to the news Belly fat can increase due to some of your regular habits such as unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, etc. Usually, obesity first appears on the stomach. Although, obesity can give you many signs in ...
Know how to hydrate your skin naturally.- Know how to keep your skin naturally hydrated.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this message I had dull and dark spots on my skin for many months. Because of that, I always had to put on makeup to go out. Now, a busy life and a make-up habit have made ...
Know how you can make tasty desserts from leftover chapatis.- Here are 3 delicious recipes made from leftover chapatis.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news Sometimes someone eats less roti in the house and sometimes roti is saved because more roti is made. No one likes to eat roti when it gets old. Therefore, the rotis must be thrown away. ...
Here’s everything you need to know about eating disorders.- Know what eating disorders are and when to look out for them.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news An eating disorder is a mental disorder characterized by significant and persistent disturbances in eating patterns and the disturbing thoughts and feelings that accompany them. This can sometimes be a very serious condition. It affects ...
Know what doing duck back and forth during pregnancy can do for you.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to the news You must have heard about fit and slim models walking the catwalk and seeing them, you want to do the same walk, but before you can do that, you have to make your body fit ...
Here are tips to overcome fine lines around the nose
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] Once you cross 40, many changes begin to appear on your face. We notice slight wrinkles on the forehead, lips and in the nose area. In addition, the skin around the eyes begins to loosen. Overall, the skin tightening ...
5 home remedies to remove white tongue
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news Everyone wants to preserve the whiteness of the teeth and takes many measures for it. Now along with teeth whitening it is also very important to take care of the tongue cleaner. Somewhere, our tongue ...
Here are 5 Ayurvedic herbs and their benefits. Here are 5 Ayurvedic herbs in the kitchen and their benefits.
Dr. Mozibur
[ad_1] listen to this news Herbs are very important in Ayurveda. There are many herbs in India that are also used as medicine. Herbs have been used in India for thousands of years to treat many ailments. In India, home ...