Many questions remain in the mind of a new mother about how to handle newborns and young children. One of the biggest questions may be “co-sleeping”, whether or not nursing mothers should share a bed with their babies.
First, know what the dream is
Co-sleeping is when a baby sleeps in the social and physical contact of its parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that if a woman is breastfeeding, she should sleep with her baby nearby.
Bedtime is the beginning of breastfeeding. In addition, it promotes continuity and exclusivity. It is important for new parents to be fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping. To make the right decision about it. The evidence still completely refutes that sharing a bed with breastfed babies can lead to sudden infant death syndrome. The incidence of accidental death from suffocation in infants who sleep and are breastfed is small.
Most breastfeeding women sleep with their babies. Sleeping with the baby makes it easier to keep track of the children’s nighttime hunger. Meanwhile, many studies claim that co-sleeping also increases babies’ appetites, while also promoting breast milk production.
Breastfeeding women should wake up for a short time at night. In such a situation, co-sleeping with children helps them to sleep more. On the other hand, mothers who do not sleep with their children experience sleep deprivation.
Now find out the benefits of sleeping
It protects the baby’s body from the cold and also prolongs breastfeeding.
Increases the child’s relationship with the mother. At the same time, it also increases the likelihood of behavioral and physical changes in the child.
Sharing a bed with children makes the mother more sensitive and responsible towards them.
By co-sleeping with the baby, the mother becomes aware of their condition through their physical gestures.
At the same time, it keeps the baby’s heart rate, sleep and body temperature.
There are also some dangers of sleep
It is important to create a safe environment before sleeping with the child. At the same time, there is a possibility of sudden infant death syndrome due to unsafe bed sharing.
Maternal smoking and outdoor smoke.
Sleeping with the baby on the couch or sofa.
Use of waterbeds and soft beds.
Keep the bed in a place where the child can cling.
If the child sleeps in the wrong position, it can also harm their health.
Alcohol consumption by parents can be harmful.
Considering the change of drugs by parents can be harmful to the child.
Here’s how to create a safe sleep environment for children
Place the child in the supine position.
Sleep on a soft, flat surface.
Avoid using waterbeds, sofas, sofas, pillows and very soft beds.
Use a thin belt to wrap the baby.
Be careful not to cover the baby’s head.
Do not leave thick blankets, other comfortable mattresses and pets in the child’s room.
Do not sleep your baby on or next to a pillow.
Do not leave the child alone in the elderly bed.
Make sure there are no gaps between the mattress and the headboard, walls or other surfaces that could trap the baby and cause suffocation.
A safer option would be to place a firm mattress directly on the floor, away from the walls.
Adopt the C position (“curly hug”), where the baby’s head is on the chest, legs and arms are wrapped around the baby.
Both sleep and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
Feeding formula milk greatly increases the risk of ISIDS. Formula milk is not easier for babies to digest than breast milk. In this case, the baby sometimes goes into a deep sleep, and this can be especially dangerous for the newborn.
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