Sometimes in life we reach the age of 40 – we achieve a lot in that time. Yes… Let’s assume that human dreams never come true and we keep trying to achieve new achievements or new dreams. In this high-stakes world, it’s a bit difficult to be satisfied, but most of the time we don’t doubt ourselves when we reach a point.
After a small achievement in life, we get a little confident, and that’s not bad!… Rather, it’s a proof of our strength that we have a little confidence and don’t doubt ourselves in every step.
But our reality is not everyone’s reality. Some people doubt themselves at every stage of life. Find your fault in the fault of others. And they never believe in themselves. No matter how talented they are, they only pretend to be confident. Let us tell you that they don’t do it on purpose, but suffer from imposter syndrome.
So what is imposter syndrome?
Imposter syndrome is defined as doubting one’s abilities and always feeling like a fraud. This happens mostly to those people who have achieved a lot in their life and have seen high peaks. It affects those who find it difficult to recognize their achievements. They ask themselves many questions and doubt whether they are really worthy of praise.
What does a person with imposter syndrome feel like?
If you have achieved something in life, then people will appreciate you and you will accept it instinctively. Now, this is normal human behavior, but a person with imposter syndrome thinks he’s putting on some kind of appearance and it’s all down to luck. Such a person feels every day that one day his truth will come out in front of everyone, that he knows nothing and will be exposed.
So what does a scammer do?
Preventing others from admitting their shortcomings or failures.
For roles you believe you don’t deserve
Dealing with guilt for “cheating” people
Maintaining a sense of accomplishment in people.
After all, why does anyone become a victim of imposter syndrome?
There is no single cause of this syndrome, but many conditions cause it together. This also includes parenting techniques. like –
Parents pressured them to do well in school
you are compared to your brothers
Raised in a controlled or more protected environment
As a child, hearing your criticism from people over and over again
Therefore, if you are also able to relate to these symptoms, then meet a mental health professional and he will give you the right advice. Because these symptoms can cause problems in your personal life.
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