Chronic constipation can lead to hemorrhoids. In this problem, the blood vessels in the anus are stretched due to the pressure, so there is a problem of swelling and bulging. At the same time, other problems such as anal bleeding, pain, itching, etc. can cause you trouble. Although some foods are more likely to trigger this problem (to avoid piles of food). That’s why it’s important to avoid including them in your diet.
Controlling this problem is very important. This is a problem we cannot stop suffering. Because the anus is an important part of our daily life. But if you want, you can control the symptoms and pain you see in it. For that, you have to say goodbye to some of your daily diet for a few days. This is because constipation and indigestion greatly increase the problem of this problem.
With all of this in mind, the most important thing is to maintain a balanced diet. So let us know which foods are very important to ignore when there is a hemorrhoid problem.

Find out which foods to keep away from piles here
1. Processed food
According to a study published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, when it comes to hemorrhoids, fried foods, fast food, frozen foods and other processed foods are hard to survive and need to be avoided completely. .
All these foods lack nutrients. In addition to this, you will find a lot of salt and unhealthy fats, making it difficult to digest, and problems such as constipation can occur.
2. Spicy food
According to research, if you like spicy food and you have hemorrhoid problems, you should definitely think twice before eating these foods. Because the painful situations you may have to deal with after eating these will cause you more trouble than deter cravings for test buds. Pizza burgers and other spicy junk food can make your hemorrhoids worse.

3. Dairy
If you have a problem with hemorrhoids, try to avoid dairy as much as possible, according to data on the subject published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Excessive consumption of milk-rich foods, such as cheese, can lead to gas, abdominal pain, and constipation. This adds to the pile problem. In this case, you can consume dairy products in small amounts.
4. Avoid Iron-Rich Foods and Medicines
If you have hemorrhoids, try to stay away from iron supplements and other medications. Because iron supplements can make you a victim of constipation.
On the other hand, using common medications can make you constipated. If you have hemorrhoids and you have problems with constipation, you will experience unbearable pain. On the other hand, if you are taking other medications, it is also important to keep your distance from certain foods, consult your doctor and receive appropriate advice.

5. Alcohol
Drinking alcohol can lead to deficiencies of essential nutrients in the body. As a result, the digestive balance is disturbed and can lead to your digestive problems. At the same time, keeping the balance of the digestive system is very important when it comes to hemorrhoids. In addition to this, drinking alcohol keeps the body hydrated and can also have an effect on the gut.
6. Red meat
It is important to avoid red meat in hemorrhoid problems. Red meat takes a long time to digest, so it can lead to problems like constipation. Constipation can lead to hemorrhoid problems. Therefore, eat as many gut-friendly foods as possible during this time.
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