Thyroid is considered a common problem. However, this problem may lead to more health risks. Therefore, timely control is very important. Now, after an era, most women and men are caught up in this problem. As your dependence on the drugs increases, you may need to take them for a long time. Therefore, it is important to incorporate some yoga asanas for hypothyroidism into your daily routine.
In this problem, hormones become out of control and weight gain is abnormal. At the same time, it can also affect mental health. To control it, you first need to make some necessary changes to your lifestyle. Just like eating right and staying physically active.
So let us know how to stop this problem from developing with the help of some important yoga poses. You will also know the right way.
First know what is hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is not enough thyroid hormone in the blood, and it also slows down metabolism.

Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid does not make or release enough thyroid hormones in your body. This slows down your metabolism and affects your entire body. Hypothyroidism is increasingly becoming a common problem. It is also called hypothyroidism.
Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are now known
Poonam Duneja, director of Nutrify at Poonam Diet and Wellness Clinic and Academy, said: “Don’t ignore hypothyroidism, or it could be very dangerous for you in the future. So here are some common symptoms of hypothyroidism. If you also experience it Any such symptoms, please start taking appropriate precautions.”
persistent fatigue,
lethargy, sometimes depression or lack of motivation to exercise
Not hardy
dry hair and skin
Brain fog, poor concentration and forgetfulness
sometimes sounds like a horse
sudden weight gain
constipation, bloating
muscle weakness

Here Are 4 Yoga Asanas That Can Control Your Thyroid
1. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Sarvangasana helps maintain the endocrine system. It puts pressure on the thyroid and boosts the blood supply to the thyroid by improving blood circulation. An adequate blood supply to the thyroid can improve conditions such as hypothyroidism.
Learn how here
Lie on your back with your hands straight on the ground.
Now inhale and lift your legs up.
Support your back with your hands on the surface and lift your back with your legs.
Hold this position, inhale 2 to 3 times, then exhale.
If you find it difficult to maintain this position, pinning your eyes to your belly button will help with balance.
Hold this pose for 1 minute or longer depending on your ability. Then slowly lower your legs and return to the normal position.

2. Bridge
Setu Bandhasana can prove to be an effective yoga in the case of hypothyroidism. It stretches the neck and increases blood circulation to the thyroid. At the same time, this yoga is also very beneficial for asthma, headaches and muscle strength.
Learn the right way here
To do this yoga, first lie on your back.
And keep your hands straight on the ground.
Now bend your legs from the knees to get them close to who.
Now slowly lift your waist out of the water so that your body is in a boat shape.
Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then exhale and return to your normal position on the ground. Repeat this action at least 5 to 7 times over a period of 10 to 15 seconds.

3. Fish style
The back and neck position in Matsyasana increases blood circulation to the thyroid gland. At the same time, it stretches your neck and helps your thyroid stay in balance. Matsyasana is a very effective yoga pose for those suffering from hypothyroidism.
Make Matsyasana with these steps
First, lie on your back and connect your legs to each other.
Now place the palms of your hands below your waist.
Lie on your feet, knees on the ground.
On an inhale, lift your chest up and your head up, then while bending back, plant the upper part of your head on the ground.
Put the entire weight on your hands without putting too much weight on your head.
Hold this position for 30 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable.
Then exhale and return to the normal position.

4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
This yoga asana helps the thyroid produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones to control metabolism. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, then this yoga asana can prove to be helpful for you. In addition to this, it strengthens the back muscles and helps reduce stress and menstrual pain.
Do like this Dhanurasana
To do this yoga, first lie on your stomach.
Now bend your knees and hold your ankles back with your hands.
Now first, lift your chest and head up from the ground, then lift your life up in the same way, while supporting the cover with your hands.
Try to put your entire body weight on your lower abdomen.
Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds depending on your fitness.
Now on an exhale, lift your chest and thighs to the surface of the water, relaxing your body. Try repeating this 4 to 5 times.
Also read: Control PCOS at home without taking medicine, experts give 7 important tips
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