It is believed, and it is also said, that the solution to every problem is hidden in yoga. The same goes for length. Some people are still short due to lack of nutrition or any other reason. And some, despite being tall, look smaller than they are tall. This is because of their crooked or poor posture. Here we will talk about those yoga asanas that will help improve your posture and make you look taller (yoga increases height). Also, if you let your growing child practice these yoga asanas on a regular basis, their height will also increase.
Osho said: “It is not right to bind yoga to the realm of religion, belief and superstition. Yoga is a science, an art of living. It is also a complete medical system. Dharma binds us with nails, yoga is a the way out of bondage.

How does yoga help increase height?
Only those who do yoga can fully realize its benefits for the mind and body. Daily practice of yoga stimulates and activates growth hormone (human growth hormone), which helps increase height.
These yogas help increase height by improving posture.
In addition to maintaining good health, you can also practice various yoga asanas to increase your height. But remember, you can only reap the benefits of yoga if you practice under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor.
1 Suhasana
Sukhasana can increase the length. Basically, this asana stretches the waist, neck and legs as well as the hands, which helps increase height. Currently, there is no scientific evidence to confirm this fact.

Ways to do Sukhasan-
- To do Sukhasan, first lay a mat.
- Now sit cross-legged on the mat, keeping your waist and neck straight.
- Place both palms on Gyan Mudra’s knees.
- Now close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly.
- Hold this position for as long as possible.
2 pasta style
Continued practice of Paschimottanasana can create flexibility in the body. It can help increase height due to the flexibility of the body. Therefore, Paschimottanasana can also be used in yoga to increase height.
How to do Paschimottanasana-
- To do this, spread your legs forward and sit on the mat.
Make sure there isn’t too much distance between your legs. - In this position, the neck, head, and spine should be in a straight line.
- Now bend forward while raising your hands up and exhale. Bend as far as you can and try to grab your toes forward with your hands. Also try touching your knees with your forehead.
- Hold this position for a few seconds and breathe regularly.
- Now slowly return to your starting position.
- The cycle of this yoga asana can be done three to five times.
3 cat style
Marjari asana can also be included in yoga to increase height. Basically, this asana helps to flex the spine as well as the rest of the body. This flexibility process can prove helpful in increasing height.

How to do cat pose
- To do this, first sit on the Vajra seat by laying out a yoga mat.
- Then stretch your hands forward, keeping them on the ground, with your hands and knees on the ground. At this stage, your body shape looks like a cat.
- Then on an inhale, lower your spine and lift your neck up. Hold this position for a few seconds.
- After that, as you exhale, lift your spine and bend your neck down. Hold this position for a few seconds.
- Then slowly came to the Vajra seat.
- You can do this yoga asana 3-5 times.
4 Loyalty
Tadasana can be included in yoga to increase height. It is believed that doing Tadasana strengthens the muscles of the body. Also, it can help make the body flexible, which can help increase height. But this can only be done with the advice of a yoga instructor.
Ways to do Tadasana-
- To do this yoga asana, stand on a flat surface. Both feet should be the same. Make sure there isn’t too much distance between your legs.
- Then tuck the fingers of both hands above your head. Remember that the direction of the palm should be towards the sky.
- Then take a deep breath and pull your body up. In this position, your body weight should be on your toes only.
- Try to hold this pose for a few seconds and keep breathing regularly. Then exhale and return to the starting position.
- It can be done in 3 to 5 cycles at the beginning of this asana.
5 Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana can also be included in yoga list to increase height. Basically, while doing this asana, there is pressure on the legs, arms, and back, which helps increase height.

Ways to do Vrikshasana-
- To do this, first, stand upright on a flat surface with your feet together.
- Then, with the help of both hands, place the sole of your left foot on your right thigh. Remember that the balance of the body should not deteriorate.
- After that, raise your hands and come to Namaskar’s position.
- Try to hold this pose for a few seconds, keeping your body balanced.
- Then slowly return to the starting position.
- Do this procedure on the other side of the leg as well.
- In the beginning, you can do 2 to 4 cycles of this yoga asana.
Also read- Experts tell you that good nutrition habits can also make you young and radiant
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