Sometimes, parents react loudly to the words and demands of their children. Hearing each of their demands, without thinking, they immediately say “no” emphatically. It is true that not every demand of children is justified and saying “no” to them is also in line with discipline. But experts say it’s okay to say no to them, but the way you say it or say it should be different. According to good parents, it is more effective in children’s minds. If you want to know how to respond to the demands of children, follow the advice of Dr. Pallavi Rao Chaturvedi (PhD), host and very popular parenting coach GetsetParentWith Pallavi on Instagram (5 parenting tricks to replace No happens).
Here are some great parenting tips from Dr. Pallavi
Telling children “no” can make them stubborn and even angry. His personality may not be well developed either. So, know the 5 tricks given here.
1. Say “No” thoughtfully
Pallavi says you want to get the kids away from them for something, so take a deep breath before answering them. Think about what you want to say to the child and then present it to them politely. You should not raise your voice while talking to them. At the same time, they need to get the message that you stand by your word. Despite the low voice, they should never feel that you are weak and also accept their every right and wrong.
2. Give the child opportunities to learn and understand
It is important for the development of children’s personality that they can understand the world around them, learn from them. When we immediately say no to everything they say, their learning process comes to an abrupt halt. If you want to say no, explain it in a positive way. This will help them understand what they should and shouldn’t do. He knows very well what the consequences will be if he does something despite your rejection. This allows him to understand the difference between right and wrong.
3. Be of things for a long time impact
It could also be that your child has a weak handwriting. While reading, they talk about watching a program or movie on television. Some children even insist on playing without limits. When all these situations come before the parents, they get very angry. They say “no” in a very loud voice. You don’t do that at all. You reject them wisely.
When the handwriting is bad, say how much better it would be if you could write more clearly. In the case of watching TV shows, say that when homework is done, we watch a movie on Netflix. So, when talking about playing games while studying, reply that I will definitely play badminton or some other game with you in the evening. When spoken positively, the impact of words on children can last for a long time.
4. Teach them self-control through your speech
If your child asks for something without reason, never refuse it with harsh words. Teach him to control himself through his speech. Like the pizza will definitely be available over the weekend, not today. Asking for new toys, you say take out your old toys, we will both play with them today.
5. Respect children’s wishes and know their boundaries
We often ask our children to bow or sing to a stranger in order to obey them. or in front of them Trying to hear something. Start complaining or praising someone in front of him. The nature of each child is different.
Not all children like these things. It is your duty to teach good manners, but you must learn to respect the child’s wishes. He also needs to recognize his own limitations on what he can and cannot do.
With the help of all these tips, the child’s personality can be developed properly. So be careful when answering your child and remember to say yes often!
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