Summer and monsoon are known for scorching heat and humidity. Therefore, there is a lot of sweat these days. Just sweating is not a problem. But rashes, redness and itching caused by sweating can bother you. Due to which rash and irritation also start in the skin. Itching can provide temporary relief, but it also irritates the skin, making it more itchy. If you sweat profusely, which causes itching, then you know 5 home remedies to deal with this itching.
Health Shots spoke with Dr. Rinke Kapoor on how to deal with itching caused by sweat. Dr. Rinke is a consultant dermatologist, cosmetic dermatologist and dermato-surgeon, founder of The Aesthetic Clinic.

First, understand why such problems occur in this season (sweat rash causes)
Summer and monsoon are not skin friendly seasons and itchy skin makes this season even more difficult. The most common causes of heat rash, also known as miliaria, sweat rash or heat rash, include high temperatures and humidity.
Dr. Kapoor says, “The sweat that does not flow appears in the form of small blisters on the skin. which are itchy. Heat rash can affect any part of the body, but it can also be seen on the armpits, groin, soles of the feet, neck, hands, chest and even the abdomen. Apart from excessive sweating, being overweight, engaging in physical activities, warm clothing can also cause heat rash.”
This is a common condition, but at the same time, these problems can be managed with some natural home ingredients and a little skin care.
Here are 5 effective home remedies to get instant relief from itching
1. Completely ground against itching
Multani mitti is a great option for cleansing the pores and softening the skin. Mix a few drops of rose water in some multani mitti and apply on the affected areas. Wash off after 15 minutes. Use this paste daily.
2. Sandalwood or powder for itching
Take pure sandalwood powder or grind it fresh alone and mix it with a little rose water. Apply to rash and allow to dry. When dry, wash it off with cold water. Sandalwood powder is antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, providing relief from burning and stinging.

3. Oatmeal for itching
Oatmeal is a traditional recipe for soothing skin inflammation caused by heat rash. Just take some finely ground oatmeal and add it to your bath water. Soak the affected area for about 30 minutes and then pat dry. It soothes the itch. Do this two or three times a week.
4. Cornstarch for itching
Take a paste of cornstarch and apply on sweat rash and let it dry. When dry, wash it off with cold water. Cornstarch is not harsh on the skin and relieves skin irritations. You can do this once a day.

5. Potato for itching
A simple slice of potato can provide instant relief to the skin. Put the potato pieces in the fridge and let it cool. Apply cold potato slices on the affected area and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Do this two to three times a day.
Before using any home remedy, make sure the rash is not spreading. In this case, you must immediately contact your doctor for treatment. Do a patch test before using home remedies.
Along with these home remedies, ways to reduce itching are also told.
- take a cold water bath
- wear loose cotton clothing
- use light bedding
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
- Avoid strong scented soaps for body care
- Avoid using skin care products that contain mineral or petroleum oils
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