A woman trained at the Bihar Yoga School 35 Becoming a mother at age 1.Whenever he had time, used to be empty stomach, So Butterfly, Tadasana and Vajrasana also work. He worries that he will have trouble giving birth. Not only does he have a normal delivery in the intensity of yoga., But don’t even have to face too much pain. Yogacharya Manvendra tells you that during pregnancy, if you 5 sit down, So delivery (Yoga Asanas for Normal Childbirth) may be easier.
Aging, pregnancy complications and yoga
often Pregnancy complications and delivery time increase with age. In some cases, a C-section is more likely, and some women have to endure prolonged labor. Gaining more weight than usual is another risk. A caesarean section is done to avoid any health problems. Look at celebrities, the number of such women is increasing rapidly these days., Those who want to give birth normally.
If you are going to be a mother and you want to give birth normally and with less pain. Yes, So in this yoga asana (Yoga Asanas for Normal Childbirth) can help you.lots of seats, who will not only help you deliver, Instead, it will also control weight gain during pregnancy.
These 5 Asanas Can Reduce Your Pregnancy Complications and Increase Your Chances of a Normal Delivery
1 Butterfly (Butterfly Pose)
sit on the floor.
Bend your legs. Connect the soles to each other.
Grab your thumb with your hand and try to pull it in.
Keep both ankles close to the body, emphasizing the thighs.
Move your knees up and down like the wings of a butterfly.
you can do this until, until you start to feel tired.
2 loyalty (loyalty)
Stand up straight. Make distance between your feet.
Keep your hands straight at your sides.
Keeping your arms straight, lift them above your head.
Interlace your fingers together. Now lift your heels and stand on your toes.
whole body tension should be kept.

10 Hold this pose for a few seconds.
Stand up straight as you exhale.
3 upper asana (above)
Stand with feet apart.
The fingers are staggered in front of the body.
Take a deep breath. Bend your knees forward over your toes.
Keep your body straight. Then stand up.
In the squat position, the hands should be at thigh level. In the second stage up to the knee, in the third stage until the calf level.
4 boundary sit down (Baddha Konasana)
sit on the floor.
Keep your legs straight in front.
Bend your legs.
Connect the soles of your feet together.
Put your hands on your knees or thighs.
Grab your toes with your hands.
Hold this pose for 10-15 seconds. Then go back to the previous state.
5 Vajra seat
First, bend your knees back.
Keep your hips on your heels.

The feet should be separated from each other.
The head, neck and spine should be in a straight line.
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