In Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern Uttar Pradesh, groundnuts, popularly known as chiniya badam or poori ka badam, are eaten in many different forms. Roasted groundnuts are specially eaten with Jhalmuri prepared from Mudhi or Flattened Rice in evening snacks. Many studies show that peanuts are not only beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients, but are also effective for weight loss. Tell us how you add peanuts to your diet.
What does the research say about peanuts?
The Peanut Institute of America is known for its research on peanuts. After three years of continuous research, it was concluded here in the year 2020 that peanuts and peanut butter can help diabetics live a healthy life and prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.
According to a nutritionist and researcher at the Peanut Institute, peanuts have a glycemic index of less than 14, which helps prevent spikes in blood sugar. This in turn reduces the need for insulin.
According to research, peanuts can help keep blood sugar stable throughout the night. If they also consumed about 1 oz of peanuts as an evening snack, their morning blood sugar levels improved.
Good news for peanut butter lovers
If you are diabetic and enjoy eating peanut butter, this hobby is also good for your health. According to research published in the Journal of American Nutrition in 2019, when peanut butter was combined with a food with a high glycemic index, the rise in blood sugar was significantly less compared to peanut butter.
According to the researchers, this effect was thought to be partly due to peanut butter’s high protein content and healthy fat content.
According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women who consumed peanut butter five times a week had a 21% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Know why peanuts are so special
Peanuts contain three macronutrients – protein, fiber and healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. In addition to these, there are also 19 micronutrients, including folate, arginine, magnesium, niacin, vitamin E and manganese. Peanuts contain more protein than walnuts.
1 loses weight
The good fats present in it help in reducing cholesterol levels. With low calorie content, the stomach feels full, which helps reduce weight.
2 Reduces inflammation
Peanuts are a great source of fiber, which helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. It also corrects the digestive system.
3 Useful for preventing cancer
If older people eat peanut butter, it helps reduce the risk of developing gastric noncardia adenocarcinoma colon cancer.
Here are the ways to include them in the diet (How to add peanuts in your diet)
1 with puffed rice or poha
After tempering mustard seeds, curry leaves, green chilies, coconut flakes in half a teaspoon of mustard oil, add 1 tablespoon of peanuts and fry.
Put murmura in it, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and eat it.
We all know the use of peanuts with poha.
2 soaked peanuts
Soak peanuts overnight.
Mix soaked peanuts, finely chopped onions, green chillies, puffed rice, 1 tsp mustard oil, salt and puffed rice and eat it in evening snacks.
with 3 salads
You can eat roasted peanuts with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, green chillies and chaat masala.
with 4 sprouts
The mouth will water after seeing the mixture of sprouted moong, gram, boiled corn, roasted peanuts, a teaspoon of lemon, salt and pepper.
5 groundnut powder
Pumpkin, pumpkin etc. Vegetables or lentils without onions, adding a spoonful of roasted peanut powder to the curry will double the taste.
6 peanut sauce
You can eat peanuts soaked overnight, green chillies, lemon salt chutney with dosa, idli or upma.

7 peanut butter
Peanut butter instead of cow’s milk butter with sandwiches, bread, fried rice The use of (vegan butter) is excellent in both taste and nutritional value.

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