[ad_1] listen to this news Can you imagine your favorite burger, sandwich without mayonnaise? The mayonnaise trend is rapidly becoming popular among the youth these days. Mayonnaise is included with everything like burgers, momos, sandwiches. But is it really healthy ...
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Here are 4 yoga poses to avoid body stiffness.

[ad_1] listen to the news In this mundane life, we work from home to office, physically and mentally exhausted. At the same time, when lying in bed at night, you will feel body stiffness and muscle pain. Some people suffer ...
5 Home Remedies to Treat Oily Scalp These 5 natural ingredients can get rid of oily scalp.

[ad_1] listen to this message Many people complain of oily scalp. In this situation, the scalp starts producing excess oil. Due to this, excess oil accumulates on the scalp. Sebum is a type of natural oil that keeps the scalp ...
expert suggests soaking these 6 foods before eating.

[ad_1] listen to this news My mother often forgets to soak fruits, vegetables, rice, dry fruits, etc. in water before use. It’s understandable for chickpeas, kidney beans etc, but why they soften soft foods like pulses, rice and fruits is ...
Here are the symptoms and causes of UTI in children.

[ad_1] listen to this news Urinary tract infection is a common problem. It usually affects women, but UTI problems are often seen in men as well. Often, women go to the doctor and complain that the child cries and swells ...