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You must have heard of the nutrient-dense wheatgrass known as wheat bran. But how many of you know about its health benefits. This chlorophyll-containing superfood is known as green blood. Various types of health problems can be properly treated by consuming it. In this case, you can make it part of your daily diet. So let’s find out why wheatgrass is so special.
Ayurvedic expert Dr. Chaitali Doctor talks about the health benefits of wheatgrass (aka wheat flour) through his Instagram post. Beyond that, he shares ways to incorporate it into your diet. So let us know how it is good for our health (wheatgrass benefits). Also learn how to include it in your diet (How to Add Wheatgrass to Your Diet).
This is what makes wheatgrass so special
According to experts, wheatgrass contains up to 70% chlorophyll. At the same time, it is also called green blood. When it comes to its nutritional profile, it is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and various enzymes. Besides that, it also contains high amounts of calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, protein, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Include it in your diet like this (How to Add Wheatgrass to Your Diet)
To add it to your diet, mix two tablespoons of water with 25 to 30 grams of wheatgrass and mash it. Put it in a sieve and squeeze its juice with a spoon. Drink this juice now. Experts recommend drinking 20 to 30ml of wheatgrass juice on a regular basis for best results.
Besides that, you can also save it by crafting powder. It’s a great idea to add it to your desserts, milkshakes, smoothies, and more.
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Learn how wheatgrass can benefit your health here
1. Maintain hemoglobin levels
Wheatgrass contains up to 70% chlorophyll. At the same time, chlorophyll contributes to the formation of hemoglobin in the body. When we consume wheatgrass, sufficient amount of chlorophyll remains in the body, which promotes the growth of red blood cells and balances the level of hemoglobin. This is why it is recommended to consume wheatgrass in anemia problems.
2. Good for digestion
Wheatgrass is rich in enzymes and in this case, consuming it aids in proper digestion of food. At the same time, increase the body’s absorption of nutrients.
3. Helps flush out toxins
The nutrients in wheatgrass help remove accumulated impurities and toxins from the body. You’ll feel more energized and healthier as chlorophyll flushes out harmful toxic compounds in your liver.
4. Helps boost immunity
The vitamins and minerals in wheatgrass can strengthen your immune system. In this case, having a strong immune system protects your body from various diseases and infections.
5. Aids in weight loss
Consuming fiber-rich wheatgrass aids in proper digestion of food. Besides that, it keeps you full for longer and also controls your appetite. In this case, you won’t overeat, your calorie intake remains limited, and excess fat doesn’t accumulate. Apart from this, regular consumption of wheatgrass juice is also very effective for thyroid problems.
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