A poor lifestyle and unbalanced diet can lead to digestive problems. The problem with gas is very common. Most people are experiencing this problem today. In most cases, this problem can be avoided by avoiding certain foods. But sometimes in order to relieve the condition, the help of medication is also needed. But you know the solutions to these problems are hidden in yoga. Yes, today yoga expert Vandana tells you that yoga asanas can eliminate constipation, indigestion and flatulence. This can fix your poop cycle.
Vandana, a yoga teacher at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), talks about the benefits of yoga from time to time. Recently, he made a video on digestion and poop-related issues.

Dr. Vandana said: “Yoga has long been touted as one of the better ways to deal with certain health problems. Asanas like Pawanmuktasana and Vajrasana help strengthen digestion. Yoga helps reduce gas, bloating and stomach problems. You should do Some simple yoga poses to avoid this problem. So let’s get started. ,
Sharing the video on his Instagram post, he talks about yoga asanas that can regularize your poop cycle. In it he tells some simple yoga asanas to relieve gas. Watch his video here.
Here are the Asanas That Can Eliminate Digestive Problems
1. Pawanmuktasana
This asana works well on the digestive system and controls it. Pawanmuktasana relieves an overactive metabolism. In addition to this, this asana also helps the body absorb nutrients better.
Do it like Pawanmuktasana
- Start by lying on your back.
- Remember, your hands should be close to your body.
- Now take a deep breath and bend your right leg. Now take your knees with both hands and try to touch them to your chest.
- As you exhale now, you must lift your head up and touch your nose with your knees. Hold this pose for a few seconds.
- Now while exhaling, bring your legs and head to the starting position, after the process with the right leg is complete, do the pose with the left leg, and bring the legs together.
- You can hold this pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
2. Paschimottanasana:
The word asana is derived from the Sanskrit root “paschim”, which means “backwards” or “westwards”, “utana”, which means “strong stretch”, and asana, which means “the way to sit down”. This asana also helps to calm your mind and relieve stress.
Do like this Paschimottanasana
- First, spread your legs out and sit on the ground.
- The toes should be forward and together.
- Inhale, raise your arms and bend your body, leaning your body forward as far as possible.
- Exhale as you bend forward.
- In the final step, the hands should touch the soles of the feet and the nose should touch the knees.
- It can be practiced for 30 seconds to 1 minute or 5 to 10 deep breaths.
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana:
This asana consists of four Sanskrit words Ardha, Matsya, Indra and Asana. In this “Ardha” means half, “Matsya” means fish, “Indra” means king and “Asana” means posture. Ardha Matsyendrasana is said to be named after the great yogi Matsyendranath. Ardha Matsyendrasana is also known as Vakrasana.
Do like Ardha Matsyendrasana
- First, sit in Dandasana yoga pose by laying out a yoga mat.
- Now bend the left leg and bring it over the knee of the right leg and place it on the ground.
- After that, hold the toes of your left foot with your right hand.
- Now on an inhale, bend your neck slightly to the left, trying not to force it.
- At the same time, place your left hand on the ground.
- You hold this pose for 3-5 deep breaths and then slowly leave the pose.

4. Vajra Seat
This is a very simple yoga asana. This asana improves your digestive system as nutrients are easily absorbed by the body. So it can relieve the problem of constipation.
vajra seat like this
- First, sit on the ground with your legs outstretched.
- Bend your right leg at the knee and place it under your right hip.
- Also bend the left leg and place it under the left hip.
Now put your hips between your ankles. - Put your hands on your knees and keep your spine straight.
- Continue the process of inhaling and exhaling, and try to remain as calm as possible.
- To reach the first position, bring your right foot forward and then to the left.
- You can hold this position for 1 minute or until you feel comfortable.
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