If your quest for nutrition ends with green vegetables, beans, and milk, curds, and ghee, there’s a lot more you need to know. Nature has also given us some of these foods, which may seem small but are nutritious. People often fail to pay attention to them due to lack of information. One of them is poppy seeds. Eating nutrient-dense poppy seeds can benefit your overall health. Whether it’s skin, digestive or heart health. So let’s learn everything about poppy seeds. and how to include it in your diet (how to eat poppy seeds).
In addition to maintaining skin, digestion, and heart health, poppy seeds can be used as an immune-boosting food. Poppy seeds are used in various dishes. However, poppy oil is just as effective. In this case, poppy oil can be used for skin-related problems.

Not Mango, It’s Special (Benefits of Poppy Seeds)
Poppy seeds are rich in fiber, according to data published by the Food Data Center. In addition to this, it is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, thiamine and iron.
Now Know How Poppy Seeds Can Benefit Your Health
1. Helps relieve constipation
People often suffer from constipation problems. So in this case, consuming poppy seeds can help you. According to data published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, consuming fiber-rich poppy seeds can help you relieve constipation.
It keeps the digestive system in balance, so there are no problems like constipation, indigestion, etc. Apart from that, it will keep you satisfied for a long time, which will help you lose weight.
2. Improves skin health
According to a study published in Pub Med Central, poppy seeds are beneficial for skin problems. The fat in its oil heals wounds faster. In addition to this, it can also help reduce scaly wounds. Apply poppy oil directly to the skin.

3. Improves Heart Health
Important fatty acids such as linoleic acid present in poppy seeds help balance cholesterol levels in the body. Meanwhile, according to a study conducted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the unsaturated fats in it can reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke. Adding it to your diet regularly will help your heart stay healthy in the long term.
4. Good for bones
The calcium and phosphorus in poppy seeds can prevent bone damage. At the same time, the manganese in it produces collagen. Collagen is known to be an essential protein for maintaining bone health.
5. Boost Immunity
Zinc deficiency in the body weakens the immune system. In this case, add zinc-rich poppy seeds to your diet. It improves your cell structure and prepares cells to fight disease-causing viruses.

6. Improves Brain Function
According to research, poppy seeds contain adequate amounts of calcium, iron and copper. These minerals regulate neurotransmitters in the brain. Apart from that, it improves brain function and keeps memory strong.
poppy seeds are used for these things
It is used in the manufacture of cosmetic related products.
Can effectively treat skin problems.
It can be used as a moisturizer on the skin.
Effectively solve dandruff problem.
Beneficial for tooth and ear pain.
It is also used to make a variety of dishes.

Learn how to include it in your diet here (How to eat poppy seeds)
Put 1 poppy root in water and let it sit for 4 to 5 hours. Then filter this water and drink it.
Crush 2 poppy seeds (i.e. poppy seeds) and mix them with your regular food to eat.
Eat a spoonful of poppy seeds with sugar at night before bed. This improves the digestive system.
4 Prepare poppy seed paste and apply directly to affected joints. This will help you relieve joint pain and swelling.
You can also add poppy seeds to various dishes. Such as poppy seed pudding, poppy seed rolls, poppy seed cakes, etc.
6 Yes, you can also sprinkle poppy seeds in children’s soups, pasta and fried rice.
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