How to breastfeed for first time moms

Along with the child, a mother is also born. That’s why we call her new mother. The fetus you have carried inside your womb for the past 36 weeks is now in your arms as a delicate baby. Until the time when the baby was in the womb, you did not have the excitement of his soo-soo, potty or feeding. Breastfeeding a newborn baby can be a challenging task for any mother. If you have also recently become a mother or are about to become one, know how to feed the baby properly. Why is breastfeeding important? Rich in proteins, ... Read more

5 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes come near us? Do we attract them to ourselves? The answer is yes. In fact, due to gases such as carbon dioxide, body sweat and dirty dirty or smelly feet, mosquitoes begin to hover near us. According to the research, even after sitting at a distance of 100 feet, you can easily attract them towards you. As such, many products are readily available in the market to kill and drive away mosquitoes. But these plants can be used (Mosquito Repelling Plants) to avoid these insects coming near you and making noise again and again. ... Read more

here are 5 steps to avoid cake makeup

listen to this news Who doesn’t like glowing and flawless skin? Having flawless skin becomes even more important when you have to wear makeup for a long time. Makeup helps to look a bit presentable along with adding extra glow to the skin. Along with this, the types of makeup can also be different. Like no makeup and natural makeup look for office meetings. So the same party makeup look for functions and parties. Along with this, keeping makeup long-lasting is also a task. Because dry and cakey makeup completely ruins your look. In such a situation, the layer of ... Read more

here are 5 ways to take care of your skin and hair on holi.

listen to this news The Holi festival is considered to be one of the biggest festivals of the year. In other words, a sweet excuse to enjoy with your nearest and dearest. Due to the same chemical color and sensitive skin, many people often start avoiding playing Holi. Since childhood I have loved playing Holi a lot. But since I have sensitive skin, I developed skin allergies very quickly. The effect of the colors remained on the hands, feet and hair for several days. Therefore, I stopped coming out of the house for many days. Seeing my problem, my mother ... Read more

know how to massage your scalp.- Learn here how to massage your scalp.

listen to this news Hair, skin and all parts of the body are related to each other. As soon as one is affected, the effect on the health of the other begins to show. In the same way, psychological stress can be the cause of your skin and hair becoming lifeless. Stress affects the health of the skin badly, while affecting the scalp causes hair loss. In this case, head massage can help you maintain the glow of your skin. Now it is absolutely right for you to think about how head massage can be beneficial for the skin. So ... Read more

Know how to add ghee in your diet to get rid of constipation.- Use desi ghee in these 4 ways to get relief from constipation.

listen to this news The problem of constipation affects your entire routine. Due to this bloating, abdominal pain, gas etc. are experienced and due to this you cannot concentrate on any other task. There can be many reasons for the problem of constipation, such as drinking less amount of water, wrong eating habits, physical stability, etc. But the more stubborn this problem is, the easier it is to get rid of it. For this you do not need to spend on medicine. Nutritious ghee (anti-constipation ghee) available at home can help you with this. For years, ghee has been used ... Read more

Know the causes and home remedies for sore throat

listen to this news As soon as the weather changes, a sore throat and sometimes pain begin to be felt. Because of this, there is difficulty in swallowing food and drinking water. Tonsils in the throat and other causes are found to be the cause of this pain and itching. Due to sore throat, the problem starts with cold. At the same time, the body temperature begins to rise, which takes the form of a fever. Tell us the cause of sore throat and some easy home remedies to deal with it. Regarding this, Dr. Harihara Murthy, ENT specialist, Apollo ... Read more

Know how to prepare maternity bags for the hospital.- Prepare your maternity bag with these 8 things.

listen to this news Do you know about birth bags? Basically, it’s a bag of essentials that every woman going into labor should carry with her. All the necessary things must be put in it, which may be necessary for the mother and the child after birth. No one can predict when labor will begin. Therefore, in normal cases, it is recommended to prepare it as soon as the ninth month starts. But if there is any kind of complication then you need to prepare these maternity bags for the hospital at least 15 days before the date given by ... Read more

Tips for preventing sinus infections at home.- Avoid sinus infections in this way at home.

listen to this news Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining in the sinuses becomes inflamed. The reason for this can be various types of infection caused by bacteria, virus and fungus. Sinuses are present in our skull near the forehead, nasal bridge, cheeks and eyes. In the case of sinusitis, mucus accumulates in these places, due to which air does not pass easily. According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with sinusitis experience headaches, blocked nasal passages, sore throats, fatigue and phlegm. This problem can happen to anyone. But in such a situation, children ... Read more

Follow these steps to make Garam Masala at home.- If you want to prepare pure Garam Masala at home then follow these steps.

listen to this news If there is no garam masala in the food, no matter how much you try, the taste of the food seems bland. Garam masala adds flavor and taste to dishes as well as adding some health benefits. Many types of spices are used to make it. In this way, the nutrients from all of them are mixed in this one spice. But this does not happen in the market’s packaged spices. There is a risk of many forms of carelessness in them until picking and grinding. So let’s prepare organic garam masala this time ourselves. Nowadays, ... Read more