Category: DIET & FITNESS

Know what to eat and what not to eat before you run. – Know what to eat and what not to eat before running.

A runner’s performance is not only determined by their practice, but also by their diet. Taking the right diet at the right time can improve running performance. In addition to this, it reduces the risk of disease and infection. So let us know what to eat before and after a run? Do you want to eat before running? If this question also comes to your mind, then the answer is yes. Eat something before running. Basically, doing any type of exercise, even running, requires energy. In this case, instant energy-boosting foods can be taken. Don’t skip the warm-up. Image courtesy ... Read more

Know how to include broccoli in your diet. – Here are 5 ways to add broccoli to your diet.

When it comes to nutrient-dense vegetables, the name broccoli is definitely among them. This high-fiber, high-protein, low-fat vegetable is no longer a guest in the Indian kitchen, but a hybrid. This dark green vegetable that looks like cauliflower can be a part of every diet because of its nutritional value. If you’re still limiting your broccoli to soup, we can help. We’re showing you how to include broccoli in your diet. First understand the nutrients in broccoli Broccoli contains up to 90% water with negligible fat content. Plus, it’s an excellent source of fiber. According to a study published by ... Read more

Here are the top 5 fruits for healthy skin.

For skin care, it can be very beneficial to use fruit not only for consumption. Fruits are rich in various nutrients and vitamins. They are also a good source of antioxidants. The various nutrients in the fruit can help you achieve radiant skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, reduce any type of skin inflammation and repair skin tissue. We’ve compiled a list of fruits you can easily find at nearby markets. Also, you can use it to improve your skin (top 5 fruits for healthy skin). Here are the fruits that can prove to be good for your skin 1 orange This vitamin ... Read more

Learn how Tabata burns calories to lose weight.

Tabata workouts are similar to traditional high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. This is an exercise that helps with weight loss. It has many other advantages. Read this full article to learn about it. If you’ve been looking for a harder and longer workout, then you should definitely give Tabata a try. Besides being a challenging workout, it is also effective and popular for weight loss. What is Tabata? Tabata is a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This is a cardiovascular exercise that increases your heart rate. It is also capable of burning a lot of calories in a short ... Read more

Practice these 5 yoga asanas to increase your height. – Do these 5 yoga asanas daily to increase your height.

It is believed, and it is also said, that the solution to every problem is hidden in yoga. The same goes for length. Some people are still short due to lack of nutrition or any other reason. And some, despite being tall, look smaller than they are tall. This is because of their crooked or poor posture. Here we will talk about those yoga asanas that will help improve your posture and make you look taller (yoga increases height). Also, if you let your growing child practice these yoga asanas on a regular basis, their height will also increase. Osho ... Read more

Know how to manage work and family while working from home

Working from home has certainly become a convenient and attractive post-COVID-19 option, as working from home requires no dress code, no extra care, saves commuting time, and the freedom to choose where to sit and work. Working from home or a hybrid work culture has become the new work trend today. But amid all these fascinating things, there is another truth. We are all used to a certain atmosphere and a classroom culture. There can be many interruptions between working from home. What can help you reduce work-related stress and how to work effectively from home. To find out, we ... Read more

How to relax your back after a long day at work

Low back pain often occurs when you sit in one position for a long time. This happens when you sit in an office for a long time at work, or you have a long meeting and you can’t get out of bed. Because of this, you may also experience stiffness in your back, reduced range of motion in your lower back, and difficulty standing upright. There are a few things you can do at home to help your back feel better and prevent future back pain (how to relax your back). A common myth about back pain is that if ... Read more

Know 3 ways to reduce visceral fat. Learn 3 ways to get rid of fat in your gut.

Most of us aspire to have slim abs! But when the fat around your waist starts to gain, your tummy also starts to turn into a tire. This means you start checking what you’re eating and what kind of activity you’re doing.visceral fat deposition (Visceral fat) There is a term that begins to accumulate at the central point of the body over time. It is also called hidden fat. Excess body fat is bad for your health. Compared with normal body fat, the accumulation of visceral fat increases the risk of many diseases. There are many diseases that are caused ... Read more

Here’s how you can get back to working out

The past few years have made us all aware of our health. We all know the importance of physical fitness in our running life. This is why a lot of people start going to the gym. Continuity is very important when it comes to building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t exercise regularly or leave it in between, it can greatly affect your health. Also, it becomes very difficult to start exercising again. You are also one of those people who used to be very fit and healthy. But after being in the embassy or getting sick, now ... Read more

3 bhog recipes to please Lord Ganesha – 3 bhog recipes to please Lord Ganesha

Ganesh Chaturthi has a special meaning in India. The festival is celebrated with grand celebrations all over the country. During this 10-day festival, devotees make different types of sweets and offer them as bhogs. While modaks are said to be Lord Ganesha’s favorite, you can add some other bhog delicacies in addition to modaks! So, if you are looking for a delicious recipe, serve Ganpati Bappa as Bhog Prasad. In this case, nutritionist and health coach Avni Kaul is sharing these special recipes with Healthshots. Kaur said: “Every year, this 10-day festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy in ... Read more