[ad_1] “There is more sorrow than love, more sorrow than the ease of a vassal” You have heard this famous poem. Believe me, it is written for those who have some priorities in life besides love, romance and relationships. From ...
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Know how to reduce side thigh fat.

[ad_1] Fat deposits around the waist due to poor lifestyle. Sometimes there is so much fat on the sides of the thighs that it becomes difficult to stand up and move quickly. The accumulation of fat on the sides of ...
Follow these 5 hair care tips after styling for karwa chauth.- Know here 5 hair care tips after hair styling.

[ad_1] You use many types of makeup on your hair to look beautiful and attractive on the day of the festival. It will give you a stylish look. But just as you need to take care of them before styling ...
Cases of monkeypox in the world exceeded 70,000 cases – Around the world, those affected by monkeypox exceed 70,000

[ad_1] After the war against the corona virus, the world is witnessing an increase in cases of monkeypox. With that in mind, a global emergency was declared at the international level in July of this year. According to the Director ...
4 foot care tips at home in Hindi.- Take care of your feet at home in these 4 ways.

[ad_1] Feet are the part of the body most exposed to dust, soil, pollution and the harmful rays of the sun. Due to which the skin of the feet is most affected compared to other parts of the body. Due ...