5 Acupressure Points for Gas and Bloating

Everyone undergoes Bloating, Gas, and other Uneasy Gastrointestinal disorders from time to time. But for individuals with sensitive stomachs, these signs may appear more often and may require treatment.

Acupressure Is a Sort of traditional Chinese medication that is Believed to be effective for bloating, gas, and stomach pain, along with other ailments.

We investigate whether acupuncture is beneficial for the Gastrointestinal system, and how to use acupressure to ease gastrointestinal symptoms.

About acupressure points

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of use not Just in China, but all over the planet.

In modern holistic Wellness culture, traditional techniques — Such as acupuncture and acupuncture — have become popular alternatives for a Western practices.

Acupressure Is a Sort of traditional Chinese massage treatment That concentrates on arousing various pressure points around the body. Massaging these pressure points is believed to help control the flow of energy across the body, in addition to positively influence metabolism.

Not merely is it acupuncture stated to help with the discharge of Gas, however it is also thought to benefit other gastrointestinal ailments, such as abdominal pain and constipation.

Acupressure points are found throughout the entire body along What traditional Chinese medicine refers to as”meridians,” or pathways.

Each meridian corresponds to a organ inside the body, and Each acupressure point is named after its location along the meridian.

Stimulating these acupressure points through massage Therapy can help relieve trapped gas and reduce embarrassing bloating.

Many of these acupressure points are also believed to Influence the stomach, intestines, and other abdominal muscles to promote digestive health.

1. Zusanli (ST36)

Zusanli, also Called ST36, is located on the gut Meridian and it is thought to influence:

  • Upper abdominal organs
  • parasympathetic nervous system
  • Master energy

Point place: About 3 inches below the kneecap, roughly 1 Inch toward the outer border.

To massage this point:

  1. Put two hands over the zusanli point.
  2. Move fingers in a circular motion using gentle, business pressure.
  3. Massage for 2–three minutes and repeat on the other leg.

2. Sanyinjiao (SP6)

Sanyinjiao, also known as Sp 6, is located on the spleen Meridian and is believed to change:

  • Lower abdominal organs
  • parasympathetic nervous system

Point place: About 3 inches over the bone of the internal ankle.

To massage that point:

  1. Put one or two fingers on the sanyinjiao point.
  2. Move fingers in a circular motion having gentle, business pressure.
  3. Massage for 2–3 minutes and then repeat on the other leg.

3. Qihai (CV6)

Qihai, also known as CV6, is located on the conception Vessel meridian and is considered to change:

  • Lower abdominal organs
  • Overall energy

To massage that point:

  1. Put two to three palms to the point spot.
  2. Using gentle pressure, then proceed fingers in a circular motion. Make certain not to press too much, since this area can be sensitive.
  3. Massage for 2–3 moments.

4. Zhongwan (CV12)

Zhongwan, also Called Cv-12, can be situated on the Conception vessel meridian and is believed to change:

  • Upper abdominal organs
  • Yang organs, including the bladder and gallbladder

Point location: Around 4 inches above the navel.

To massage this point:

  1. Place 2 to three fingers to the zhongwan point.
  2. Apply gentle pressure at a circular motion, ensuring not To press too much.
  3. Heal for two –3 minutes.

5. Weishu (BL 21 )

Weishu, also Called BL 21, is situated on the bladder Meridian and it is believed to influence:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Gastrointestinal ailments

Point location: About 6 inches over the small of their trunk And 1 1/2 inches outward on either side of your spine.

To massage this point:

  1. Put one to two fingers on the weishu point.
  2. Apply gentle pressure at a circular motion.
  3. Heal for 1–2 weeks. Don’t massage this point in case you Have any contraindicated conditions, like a slipped disc or spine weakness.

Do acupressure points for both bloating and gas work?

The research on using acupressure for digestive conditions Is sparse, with the majority of the investigation focusing on acupuncture as an alternative.

However, there is some clinical study that suggests Acupressure could possess a positive influence on debilitating digestive symptoms such as gas and bloating.

In one study, researchers investigated the Consequences of snacking on 70 hemodialysis patients with constipation. During the study interval, patients underwent acupressure three times per week for a time period of 4 weeks.

The researchers discovered that stimulation of this Normal Abdominal acupressure points led to increased gas release and improved bowel function.

In a similar study in 2015, researchers Analyzed the added advantages of acupuncture for 78 mature psychiatric patients with gout.

The Research participants self-administered acupressure to get a period of 10 days and were evaluated for the severity of these symptoms. According to the results, participants in the acupuncture intervention team experienced a decrease in constipation symptoms, such as bloating and gas.

Although the Study indicates that acupressure can have Positive effects on gastrointestinal symptoms, more research remains necessary to ascertain the benefits.

Is there drawbacks to acupressure points for bloating and gas?

Acupressure is a relatively safe health clinic. But, Individuals with certain chronic conditions, like bleeding disorders or chronic pain, should speak with their physician before trying acupressure.

When you perform acupressure on your own, you must consistently Use firm, but gentle pressure on the skin. Using an excessive amount of pressure, especially when stimulating sensitive locations, might lead to swelling or pain, among other symptoms.

When to visit a doctor?

If you are experiencing chronic gas, bloating, and other Gastrointestinal issues, it is important to see a doctor to exclude any underlying conditions.

When You know what’s causing your symptoms, you and Your physician can discuss a treatment plan that includes holistic therapy options, such as acupuncture or acupuncture.

Final Words:

Acupressure has thousands of years of usage for a Wide Range of Health ailments, including bloating, gas, as well as other digestive problems.

There are nearly 30 points in your body that are considered to help in improving digestion, reducing abdominal pain, and more.

If you’re interested in trying acupressure for uneasy Gastrointestinal symptoms, visit a doctor to learn more about how exactly to Incorporate this therapy in your treatment.