Sometimes in our happy relationships, we become the blockers ourselves. Often people use these little tricks to hide the emotional pain after a heartbreak. But sometimes we distance ourselves from real love to keep ourselves safe. However, there are ups and downs in love. But presenting him in a distorted way can create stress for you and create problems in the relationship.
Simply put, self-sabotage refers to actions and techniques that prevent you from achieving your goals, either personally or professionally. At the same time, talk to yourself negatively and tell yourself that you don’t deserve love and success.
You may also have thoughts like, “You can’t do anything, you’re worth nothing, and even if you try, you’ll fail.”
British psychologist Dr. Lalita Suglani shares some important points about emotional insecurities in dating and some important tips for a healthy relationship.

According to experts, there is a fear of breaking up in many relationships, but if your relationship is healthy, then there should be no such fear.
Dr. Suglani says, “To prevent such relationship stress, it is important to take care of many important things. At the same time, it is very important to understand the reason for this behavior and what motivates you from your partner.
We are often completely unaware of self-harm or self-judgment. Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we don’t have answers to our own questions. At the same time, we view our relationships as our worst enemy.
Take care of these 6 things for a healthy relationship
1. Focus on the qualities that make you attractive
Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. But sometimes in order to look good in front of our partner, we present an image that we are not.

Trust is very important to the success of any relationship. Just by being honest with the person they know you can be trusted. Always remember that you can’t pretend for long. It won’t last long.
2. Don’t put anything in your mind
Are you looking for what your partner really isn’t? Creating an image in your mind about someone can slow down the relationship.
Accepting things, taking care of your relationship, encouraging your partner is very important in a healthy relationship. It also keeps the relationship strong. On the other hand, treating your partner in a certain way and imagining idealistic visualizations in response increases the chances of the relationship deteriorating.
If things don’t go as you expect, you may be unhappy about it. In such a situation, you will never feel satisfied. This makes you weak and frustrated inside, so don’t force your expectations of a healthy relationship on the other side.
3. Ignore the Red Flag
In a relationship, you can see many red flags, but every time you convince yourself that everything is correct, it will lead to a weaker relationship in the future. Ignoring the red flags seen in a relationship is not fair at all. In such a situation, we ignore the real problem, live in denial and think that life is going very well.
In such a situation, always understand the situation that is weakening the relationship and try to solve it. However, ignoring it can be toxic.
4. Don’t try to change things to suit yourself
It is completely wrong to think that your partner will change before starting any kind of relationship. It is a normal human tendency that no one gives up on their natural behavior and neither should you. If there is any problem, then try to solve it by talking, don’t get angry and start imposing things.

5. Learn to express your needs and wants
Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. If you don’t communicate with your partner, you can’t put your feelings and expectations in front of them. Therefore, tension may arise between the two of you.
The person in front of you won’t understand until you tell them. In such a situation, you hold on to hope and he cannot meet your expectations, which may disappoint you.
6. Try to understand each other’s position
If you both have common expectations for each other, then things will go well. On the other hand, if your partner is ready to take your relationship seriously after a few months, then you can take it without worry.
Avoid rushing into a relationship, it works when both of you are completely ready for each other. However, you and your partner choose two different speeds, so if you want a slower pace in the relationship, your partner can go a little faster. So it can be a concern.
So what should be done in this situation? In such a situation, it would be appropriate to try to sit down and talk together and make a common decision.
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