Reiki is a Japanese natural healing technique which consists of two words, first “ray” meaning “God consciousness” and the second “ki” meaning “life force energy”. It is known for its magical abilities to restore physical and emotional well-being. This technique is thousands of years old which is also mentioned in Atharvaveda. It heals a person’s aura and paves the way for self-transformation. Due to which your personality develops spiritually. If you also want to practice Reiki for your spiritual and mental development, follow these 5 principles (how to practice Reiki on yourself).
When I was connected to Reiki Level 1 by my Reiki Master, I truly understood the importance of repeating positive thoughts and support in the universe.
Know what the 5 principles of Reiki are that can improve your personality
The first and foremost lesson when learning Reiki is to understand the set of 5 principles of Reiki. The core of Reiki lies in repeating these 5 principles with regular practice and gaining control over the mind, body and spirit. So repeat these principles first thing in the morning to see fruitful results.
1. “Just today I won’t be angry”
There is a lot going on in our daily lives that can easily disturb us. Sometimes we face obstacles at work or go through relationship or health problems. With the accumulation of anger in our hearts and minds, we tend to become angry with ourselves or people around us. The result is that we leave negative emotions in the universe. Such harmful emotions contaminate our pure Reiki doctrine and aura.
So by repeating this principle our mind will make sure not to get angry over small things. With practice, even in difficult situations, we will master the art of remaining calm and reasonable.
2. “Only today, I won’t worry”
The nature of the mind is to think. What happens when we start to worry? We get caught in the web of scary thoughts and become insecure and afraid. As humans, we have to learn to conquer our minds and thoughts. By constantly worrying, we only complicate our lives by losing our ability to think rationally.
By remembering this principle, we direct our minds to replace anxious thoughts with more rational thoughts. So to attract abundance we need to change the way we look at life. Learn to stop worrying and focus on yourself.
3. “Only today, I will do my work honestly”
For jobs and earnings, we work hard every day. But what matters is the intention with which we do our work. If we work sincerely, with the right intentions, our hard work will always pay off. Indulging in corruption, bribery and laziness in your work will backfire in the same way. Honesty is very important in work. You play your part well, the rest of the universe will take over.
4. “Only today will I be good to my neighbors and all living things”
There is no feeling more liberating than being kind. By being kind, you open your heart to receive more kindness and love back from the universe. Nothing is necessary to practice kindness in your daily life.
5. “Only today, I will be grateful for all my blessings”
Gratitude has always been the key to success in life. By expressing gratitude for even the smallest things, we tell the universe to celebrate the blessings it showers upon us. With this kind of abundance mindset, we will get more of what we have.
By practicing these Reiki principles, you yourself open your inner system of love and healing.
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