Pimples, acne or pimples are caused by a skin inflammation problem that usually affects the face. Sometimes they also affect the shoulders, back, neck, chest or upper arms. It can appear at any age, but most often occurs during puberty, when the sebaceous glands are active. Although it is not harmful, it can leave marks on the skin. Here you will find remedies that can save you from acne and pimples (Tips to avoid acne and pimples).
Why does facial acne appear again and again?
Excessive production of sebum (sebum), clogging of skin pores with oil, infection of skin cells due to bacteria. According to various studies, eating certain foods can make acne worse.
Here are foods that can make this problem worse
A balanced diet can benefit acne sufferers. Renowned nutritionist and Deep Health trainer Simrun Chopra shares some diet tips that can help fight acne problems.
A diet that avoids foods containing gluten is known as a gluten-free diet. If your skin is sensitive to gluten, a gluten-free diet can help prevent acne.
Barley, rye, triticale and wheat contain gluten. This is why you should avoid eating these grains. Some natural gluten-free foods include vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, legumes, nuts, eggs, and unprocessed meats, seafood, and chicken. You can also ask your dietitian to create a gluten-free diet for you.
dairy products
Cows are given artificial hormones. This affects the amount of milk they produce. According to research, consuming such dairy products can disrupt the balance of your hormones. This can result in acne.
According to the second hypothesis, the growth hormone present in milk may aggravate the problem of acne.
Fatty food
The average Indian diet is high in fatty acids. Their consumption increases the problem of inflammation and acne. This may be due to the high content of oil in the diet, which is high in omega-6 fatty acids. This excess of fatty acids causes inflammation in the body, which increases the acne problem.
Dr. Says Chopra, “Avoid eating these foods for a week. After that you will definitely feel the difference. You keep checking which food is increasing your problem. Remove it from your diet and add healthy food.
If you have acne, then definitely include some such foods in your diet.
teaspoon of seed mixture
“Incorporate a teaspoon of fine seeds into your diet, which are a source of vitamins and good fats,” says Chopra.
Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids are one such nutrient that can help treat acne. Found in fish oil, salmon, nuts and seeds. Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids can help with overall skin health as well as alleviate skin problems such as eczema and acne.
Drink 3 liters of water per day
Water helps remove toxins and bacteria from the skin. Therefore, the risk of clogging the skin pores is reduced. It also helps in moisturizing the skin. It also supports collagen production and skin cell renewal.

yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables can help treat acne due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to eat yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots and sweet potatoes.

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